Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Spirited Away part 2

Today in class, we were watching the special features from "Spirited Away" called the art story. In that, I saw crews editing the story in US version, the director met a Japanese director that did "Spirited Away" in Japanese version. Also, I saw some actors and actresses that were playing their characters in the movie. I loved that special features but the movie was more interesting than the special features.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Spirited Away

Yesterday, I saw the movie “Spirited Away” in Japanese animations. The scenes that I saw in the movie were when Chihiro goes to the spirit world. She met some people in the spirit world including the boy that turns into a dragon. That movie was interesting to me because it has fantasies and stories about it. But when I get to class, I might watch some scenes again in Japanese version.

Roger Thornhill story

I thought it was a crazy scene when Roger Thornhill almost got hit by a plane. Roger looked afraid when he saw a plane chasing after him in the middle of nowhere. This scene made me think about making a “North by Northwest” rollercoaster as a plane chasing after Roger. The roller coaster should look like a real plane but be a rollercoaster car. The ride has to have steep dips and go low to the ground. It should even have steam come out of the back. It would be very scary at the end the car will go into a tunnel that looks like a truck and people on line for the ride will see flames like its on fire but the people inside the truck will be safe.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week 1

Last week was my first week of school, I took pictures for shots, views, brightness, and more. Then on the third day, Friday, we were viewing the pictures that we took which was a Birds eye view, Ants eye view, Brightness, Darkness, Long Shot, Medium Shot, and Close Up. I want to learn how to do film. For my personal film, maybe if I can do "The Glass Menagerie." But in my head, I think I know who the cast can be. I hope my teacher can teach me how to produce and direct the films. But I would money to do real movies.